- popdata::pd_countriesCountry metadata
- refugees::asylum_applicationsAsylum Applications
- refugees::asylum_decisionsAsylum Decisions
- refugees::countriesCountries
- refugees::demographicsDemographics
- refugees::flowsForced displacement flow dataset
- refugees::idmcIDMC Data
- refugees::populationPopulation figures
- refugees::solutionsSolutions
- refugees::unrwaUNRWA data
- riddle::keywordsdataset keywords
- robotoolbox::asset_auditExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::asset_listExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::asset_mlExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::asset_rgExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::asset_sm_labelExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::asset_spatialExamples of KoboToolbox assets and list of assets
- robotoolbox::data_auditExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_ml_arExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_ml_defaultExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_ml_enExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_ml_frExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_ml_vlabelExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_rgExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_smExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_sm_labelExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- robotoolbox::data_spatialExamples of KoboToolbox submissions data
- rsdt::rsdt_countries