datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
# MainFrame
#> # A tibble: 5 × 26
#> start end location
#> <dttm> <dttm> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2022-10-27 08:57:57 2022-11-10 08:49:09 private_facility VEN
#> 2 2022-10-24 11:36:52 2022-10-24 15:46:00 home HND
#> 3 2022-10-26 16:19:35 2022-10-26 18:15:07 subcenter SLV
#> 4 2022-10-26 16:19:35 2022-10-26 17:51:14 subcenter SLV
#> 5 2022-10-26 14:02:06 2022-10-26 16:10:25 home COL
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: profile.occupation <chr>, profile.reason <chr>,
#> # profile.reason.accomodation <dbl>, profile.reason.employment <dbl>,
#> # <dbl>, <dbl>,
#> # <dbl>, profile.reason.movement <dbl>,
#> # profile.reason.reunification <dbl>, profile.reason.no_answer <dbl>,
#> # profile.reason.other <dbl>, profile.HHSize <dbl>, `_id` <dbl>,
#> # `_uuid` <chr>, `_submission_time` <dbl>, `_validation_status` <lgl>, …
# Second Frame - based on presence of repeat within the form, aka nested or
# hierarchical data structure, etc...
#> # A tibble: 12 × 14
#> members.age `_index` `_parent_table_name` `_parent_index`
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 56 male 1 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 1
#> 2 2 male 2 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 2
#> 3 3 male 3 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 2
#> 4 10 female 4 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 2
#> 5 45 male 5 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 2
#> 6 35 female 6 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 2
#> 7 4 male 7 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 3
#> 8 34 female 8 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 3
#> 9 34 male 9 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 3
#> 10 51 female 10 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 4
#> 11 21 male 11 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 5
#> 12 25 female 12 Sample Dataset KoboloadeR 5
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: `_submission__id` <dbl>, `_submission__uuid` <chr>,
#> # `_submission__submission_time` <dbl>,
#> # `_submission__validation_status` <lgl>, `_submission__notes` <lgl>,
#> # `_submission__status` <chr>, `_submission__submitted_by` <lgl>,
#> # `_submission__tags` <lgl>, parent_index <dbl>
Now we can extend the xlsform that was used to document key next steps in the data preparation.
kobo_prepare_form(xlsformpath = system.file("form.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher"),
xlsformpathout = NULL,
label_language = "")
#> [1] "There was an error in the xlsform preparation step!!! \n\n"
#> $message
#> [1] "`path` does not exist: ''"
#> $call
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "try-error"
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
# Survey
questions <-[["variables"]])
knitr::kable(utils::head(questions, 10))
type | list_name | name | label | hint | name_or | repeatvar | scope | chapter | subchapter | disaggregation | correlate | appearance |
today | NA | today | NA | NA | today | main | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
date | NA | date | Interview date | this is a hint | date | main | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
select_one | location | location | Where is the interview taking place | this is a hint | location | main | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
begin_group | NA | profile.profile | Respondant profile | NA | profile | main | profile | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
select_one | countries | | What is your country of Origin? | this is a hint | country | main | profile | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
text | NA | profile.occupation | What’s you occupation? | this is a hint | occupation | main | profile | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
select_multiple | reasons | profile.reason | Why did you left? | this is a hint | reason | main | profile | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
integer | NA | profile.HHSize | What’s the size of your household? | this is a hint | HHSize | main | profile | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
end_group | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | main | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
begin_repeat | NA | members.members | Please enter information for each family member | NA | members | members | members | NA | NA | NA | NA |
list_name | name | label | order |
location | home | Home | NA |
location | subcenter | Community Center | NA |
location | private_facility | Private facility | NA |
sex | male | Male | NA |
sex | female | Female | NA |
countries | COL | Colombia | NA |
countries | CUB | Cuba | NA |
countries | SLV | El Salvador | NA |
countries | GTM | Guatemala | NA |
countries | HND | Honduras | NA |
form_title | form_id |
Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | koboloadeR |
type | label | name |
today | NA | today |
date | Interview date | date |
select_one | Where is the interview taking place | location |
begin_group | Respondant profile | profile.profile |
select_one | What is your country of Origin? | |
text | What’s you occupation? | profile.occupation |
select_multiple | Why did you left? | profile.reason |
integer | What’s the size of your household? | profile.HHSize |
begin_repeat | Please enter information for each family member | members.members |
integer | Age | members.age |
# Indicator
indicator <-[["indicator"]])
knitr::kable(utils::head(indicator, 10))
type | name | label | list_name | hint | repeatvar | calculation | chapter | subchapter | disaggregation | correlate | cluster | predict | score | mappoint | mappoly |
Indicator calculation
xlsformpath <- system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher")
xlsformpathout <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", "sample_xlsform_withindic.xlsx")
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
## Check if we add no indicator
expanded <- kobo_indicator(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
indicatoradd = NULL ,
xlsformpath = xlsformpath,
xlsformpathout = xlsformpathout)
#> no calculated indicators has been defined...
## Example 1: Simple dummy filter
indicatoradd <- c( name = "inColombia",
type = "select_one",
label = "Is from Colombia",
repeatvar = "main",
calculation = "dplyr::if_else(datalist[[\"main\"]]$ ==
\"COL\", \"yes\",\"no\")")
expanded <- kobo_indicator(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
indicatoradd = indicatoradd ,
xlsformpath = xlsformpath,
xlsformpathout = xlsformpathout)
## Replace existing
dico <- expanded[["dico"]]
datalist <- expanded[["datalist"]]
## Check my new indicator
table(datalist[[1]]$inColombia, useNA = "ifany")
#> no yes
#> 4 1
## Example 2: calculation on nested elements and build an indicator list
indicatoradd2 <- c( name = "hasfemalemembers",
type = "select_one",
label = "HH has female members ",
repeatvar = "main",
calculation = "datalist[[\"members\"]] |>
dplyr::select(, parent_index) |>
tidyr::gather( parent_index, |>
dplyr::count(parent_index, |>
tidyr::spread(, n, fill = 0) |>
dplyr::select( female)")
indicatorall <- list(indicatoradd, indicatoradd2 )
expanded <- kobo_indicator(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
indicatoradd = indicatorall ,
xlsformpath = xlsformpath,
xlsformpathout = xlsformpathout)
## Replace existing
dico <- expanded[["dico"]]
datalist <- expanded[["datalist"]]
## Check my new indicator
table(datalist[[1]]$hasfemalemembers, useNA = "ifany")
#> female
#> 0 1 2
#> 1 3 1
# Example of calculations:
# 1. Create a filters on specific criteria
# 'dplyr::if_else(datalist[["main"]]$variable =="criteria", "yes","no")'
# 2. Ratio between 2 numeric variable
# 'datalist[["main"]]$varnum1 / datalist[["main"]]$varnum2'
# 3. Calculation on date - month between data and now calculated in months
# 'lubridate::interval( datalist[["main"]]$datetocheck,
# lubridate::today()) %/% months(1)'
# 4. Discretization of numeric variable according to quintile
# 'Hmisc::cut2(datalist[["main"]]$varnum, g =5)'
# 5. Discretization of numeric variable according to fixed break -
# for instance case size from integer to categoric
# 'cut(datalist[["main"]]$casesize, breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 3,5,30),
# labels = c("Case.size.1", "Case.size.2", "Case.size.3",
# "Case.size.4.5", "Case.size.6.or.more" ), include.lowest=TRUE)'
# 6. Aggregate variable from nested frame (aka within repeat) to parent table
# 'datalist[["members"]] |>
# dplyr::select(, parent_index) |>
# tidyr::gather( parent_index, |>
# dplyr::count(parent_index, |>
# tidyr::spread(, n, fill = 0) |>
# dplyr::select( female)'
to do….
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
data <- kobo_frame(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "" )
members.age | | _index | _parent_table_name | _parent_index | _submission__id | _submission__uuid | _submission__submission_time | _submission__validation_status | _submission__notes | _submission__status | _submission__submitted_by | _submission__tags | parent_index | X_id |
56 | male | 1 | Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | 1 | 20759478 | 48cc75b7-3d86-4c3e-a99b-24b4032b7b9c | 44685.89 | NA | NA | submitted_via_web | NA | NA | 1 | 1 |
2 | male | 2 | Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | 2 | 20756978 | f1c3d36c-3c25-4581-9f35-9c8ec405d744 | 44685.84 | NA | NA | submitted_via_web | NA | NA | 2 | 2 |
3 | male | 3 | Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | 2 | 20756978 | f1c3d36c-3c25-4581-9f35-9c8ec405d744 | 44685.84 | NA | NA | submitted_via_web | NA | NA | 2 | 3 |
10 | female | 4 | Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | 2 | 20756978 | f1c3d36c-3c25-4581-9f35-9c8ec405d744 | 44685.84 | NA | NA | submitted_via_web | NA | NA | 2 | 4 |
45 | male | 5 | Sample Dataset KoboloadeR | 2 | 20756978 | f1c3d36c-3c25-4581-9f35-9c8ec405d744 | 44685.84 | NA | NA | submitted_via_web | NA | NA | 2 | 5 |
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
data <- kobo_frame(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "" )
label_choiceset(dico = dico,
#> "Venezuela" "Honduras" "El Salvador" "El Salvador" "Colombia"
## Test when there's no dictionnary
#> [1] "Consultant" "farmer" "vendor" "teacher" "farmer"
label_choiceset(dico = dico,
#> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> "Consultant" "farmer" "vendor" "teacher" "farmer"
label_choiceset(dico = dico,
#> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> "Consultant" "farmer" "vendor" "teacher" "farmer"
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_select_one(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "",
showcode = TRUE)
#> What is your country of Origin?
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 4)`
## Exmaple with lumping
plot_select_one(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "",
n = 1,
showcode = TRUE)
#> What is your country of Origin?
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 1)`
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_select_multiple(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.reason",
datasource = NULL,
showcode = TRUE
#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple(datalist, dico, "profile.reason", datasource=params$datasource, n=7)`
## Displaying the usage of the lumping option..
plot_select_multiple(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.reason",
n = 5,
datasource = NULL,
showcode = TRUE
#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple(datalist, dico, "profile.reason", datasource=params$datasource, n=5)`
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_integer(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "members.age",
showcode = TRUE)
#> Age
#> `plot_integer(datalist, dico, "members.age", datasource=params$datasource)`
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_text(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.occupation",
showcode = TRUE)
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "/"): transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "@"): transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "\\|"): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::content_transformer(tolower)):
#> transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeNumbers): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removePunctuation): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::stripWhitespace): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::stemDocument): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeWords, tm::stopwords("english")):
#> transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeWords, c("blabla1", "blabla2")):
#> transformation drops documents
#> What's you occupation?
#> `plot_text(datalist, dico, "profile.occupation", datasource=params$datasource)`
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_select_one_cross(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "",
by_var = "profile.occupation",
showcode = TRUE
#> What is your country of Origin?
#> `plot_select_one_cross(datalist, dico, var="", by_var="profile.occupation",datasource=params$datasource, n=4,n_by=4 )`
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_select_multiple_cross(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.reason",
by_var = "location",
showcode = TRUE)
#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple_cross(datalist, dico, var="profile.reason", by_var="location", datasource=params$datasource, n=7, n_by=3 )`
## test lumping
plot_select_multiple_cross(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.reason",
by_var = "location",
n = 4,
showcode = TRUE)
#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple_cross(datalist, dico, var="profile.reason", by_var="location", datasource=params$datasource, n=4, n_by=3 )`
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_correlation(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
var = "profile.occupation",
by_var = "",
datasource = NULL)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(formula$target, formula$tested): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
#> No significant association found between profile.occupation & (p.value :0.3505).
dicolikert <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("form_likert.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalistlikert <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data_likert.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `_index`.
plot_likert(datalist = datalistlikert,
dico = dicolikert,
datasource = NULL,
scopei = "group_ei8jz33",
repeatvari = "main",
## getting the list_name and corresponding label
list_namei = "yk0td68"
#> Warning: `funs()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.8.0.
#> ℹ Please use a list of either functions or lambdas:
#> # Simple named list: list(mean = mean, median = median)
#> # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: tibble::lst(mean, median)
#> # Using lambdas list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the kobocruncher package.
#> Please report the issue at
#> <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> Warning in get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box"): Multiple components found;
#> returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
to do….
to do….
to do….
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
plot_header( dico = dico,
var = "profile.profile")
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
# class(plot_header( dico = dico,
# var = "profile.profile"))
dput(plot_header( dico = dico,
var = "profile.profile"))
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
message(plot_header( dico = dico,
var = "profile.profile"))
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
cat(plot_header( dico = dico,
var = "profile.profile"))
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
print(plot_header( dico = dico,
var = "profile.profile"),
useSource = FALSE)
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
kobo_cruncher(datalist = datalist,
dico = dico,
datasource = "a great survey!")
#> Where is the interview taking place
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "location", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)`
#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
#> What is your country of Origin?
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)`
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "/"): transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "@"): transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., toSpace, "\\|"): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::content_transformer(tolower)):
#> transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeNumbers): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removePunctuation): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::stripWhitespace): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::stemDocument): transformation drops
#> documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeWords, tm::stopwords("english")):
#> transformation drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(., tm::removeWords, c("blabla1", "blabla2")):
#> transformation drops documents
#> What's you occupation?
#> `plot_text(datalist, dico, "profile.occupation", datasource=params$datasource)`
#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple(datalist, dico, "profile.reason", datasource=params$datasource, n=5)`
#> What's the size of your household?
#> `plot_integer(datalist, dico, "profile.HHSize", datasource=params$datasource)`
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
#> Age
#> `plot_integer(datalist, dico, "members.age", datasource=params$datasource)`
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
#> Sex
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)`
dicolikert <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("form_likert.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalistlikert <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data_likert.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `_index`.
kobo_likert(datalist = datalistlikert,
dico = dicolikert,
datasource = "a great survey!")
#> 3 groups of likert questions in the form`plot_likert(datalist, dico, scopei="group_ei8jz33", list_namei="yk0td68", repeatvari="main",datasource=params$datasource)`
#> Warning in get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box"): Multiple components found;
#> returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
#> `plot_likert(datalist, dico, scopei="group_pm0cj55", list_namei="yk0td68", repeatvari="main",datasource=params$datasource)`
#> Warning in get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box"): Multiple components found;
#> returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
#> `plot_likert(datalist, dico, scopei="group_wc0ig44", list_namei="yk0td68", repeatvari="main",datasource=params$datasource)`
#> Warning in get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box"): Multiple components found;
#> returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
### Example used for each template
## Time to archive your work once done!!
# namethisfile = basename(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path )
# if( params$publish == "yes"){
# kobo_ridl(ridl = params$ridl,
# datafolder = params$datafolder,
# form = params$form,
# namethisfile = namethisfile ,
# visibility = params$visibility,
# stage = params$stage) }
The second template is used following the systematic data exploration. It will generate a PowerPoint presentation
See a more detailed presentation of that step here:
The third template can be used in a similar way than the presentation template. It will generate a word document in order to take note.
An automatic table of content is generated but might required to be refreshed after the word document creation
#' Report Template 3 for Dissemination and Data Story Telling Template
#' The last template can be used to take note of the data interpretation session.
#' It will generate a PDF or an paginated HTML page
# usethis::use_rmarkdown_template(
# template_name = "template_C_notes",
# template_dir = NULL,
# template_description = "Note taking",
# template_create_dir = TRUE
# )
The last template can be used to build the final report. It includes some instructions and guidance on how to organize the content to increase your audience
It will generate a PDF or an paginated HTML page
#' Report Template 3 for Dissemination and Data Story Telling Template
#' The last template can be used to take note of the data interpretation session.
#' It will generate a PDF or an paginated HTML page
# usethis::use_rmarkdown_template(
# template_name = "template_D_dissemination",
# template_dir = NULL,
# template_description = "Data brief and Story Telling",
# template_create_dir = TRUE
# )