--- title: "Development" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{development} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup} library(XlsFormUtil) ``` # Data examples to demo the package The included demo [xlsform](https://github.com/unhcr-americas/XlsFormUtil/blob/master/inst/demo.xlsx?raw=true) comes from [https://github.com/pmaengineering/ppp](https://github.com/pmaengineering/ppp) # fct_xlsfrom_language ```{r example-fct_xlsfrom_language} ## With different language fct_xlsfrom_language( xlsformpath = system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil")) ## without language fct_xlsfrom_language( xlsformpath = system.file("KoBoXLSFormExamples.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil")) ``` # fct_interview_duration ```{r examples-fct_interview_duration, fig.width = 9} ## Generate the summary chart result <- fct_interview_duration( xlsformpath = system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"), label_language = NULL, # wpm word per minute - an average 180 word per minute (per default) required #to read loudly the text wpm = 180, # maxmodalities if more than 7 potential answers for a select question #(per default)- then we assume that those modalities will not be read by the # enumerator - but rather selected based on an open answer - and not be # accounted for the modalities duration estimation maxmodalities = 7 , # resptimeclose an average 4 seconds (per default) for respondent to reply for # closed questions resptimeclose = 4, # resptimecondopen an average of 7 seconds (per default) to reply to conditional # text question (accounting for question type of "other, please specify"). resptimecondopen = 7, # resptimeopen an average of 10 seconds (per default) to reply to open text # question. resptimeopen = 10, # avrgrepeat In case of repeat questions, an average 3 repeat (per default) is # accounted for. avrgrepeat = 3 ) result[["plot"]] result[["totaldur"]] knitr::kable(head(result[["variables"]], 15)) ``` # fct_tabulate_form ```{r examples-fct_tabulate_form} # fct_tabulate_form() prettyform <- fct_tabulate_form( xlsformpath = system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil") ) knitr::kable(utils::head(prettyform, 10)) ``` # fct_create_flextable ```{r examples-fct_create_flextable} fct_create_flextable( xlsformpath = system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"), label_language = NULL ) ``` # fct_render_prettyprint ```{r example-fct_render_prettyprint} # fct_render_prettyprint( dir = system.file("", package = "XlsFormUtil"), # xlsformfile = "demo.xlsx", # label_language = NULL ) ``` # fct_xlsform_compare ```{r examples-fct_xlsform_compare} ## With 2 files check <- fct_xlsform_compare( listfile = c( system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"), system.file("demo_adapt1.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil") ), label_language = NULL, fileout = NULL) # variablescompare, knitr::kable(utils::head(as.data.frame(check[1]), 10)) # choicescompare knitr::kable(utils::head(as.data.frame(check[2]), 10, 10)) ## With 3 files check <- fct_xlsform_compare( listfile = c( system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"), system.file("demo_adapt1.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"), system.file("demo_adapt2.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil") ), label_language = NULL, fileout = NULL) ``` # run_app ```{r example-run_app} # run_app() ```